Falling in history and fall of ancient relics is what is in store for you when you take a trip to the far East Java. 80km stretch of Malang in Blitar reveals weathered stone shrines and temples attractive the kingdom of Majapahit, who reigned from 1293 East Java 1500s ..
An exquisite structure, the largest temple ancient Hindu in east Java, Candi Penataran, is just 12 kilometers from the township of Blitar, and something totally different, you can arrange a candlelit dinner on the grounds of this beautiful temple.
Penataran Temple in Blitar, East Java by David Metcalf
Candi Penataran is best enjoyed in the evening. It is one of the most beautiful temples in East Java and lies at the foot of Mount Kelud. Special arrangement, a magical event occurs, and the Hotel Tugu Sri Lestari, Blitar can arrange a "Dinner Temple Lost '. It is one of the most unique dining experiences in all of Java, and it is worth going to just for this experience Blitar. It is a getaway from Jakarta weekend.
As the sun was setting, I followed a trail of bamboo torches along a winding path through the grounds of the great temple. In front of her a beautiful candlelit table was laid with a variety of cutlery and glasses to match seven sumptuous dishes meals. As the wine was poured, flute solo played a melodic song singing, and slowly felt transported back in time to another place lined with romance.
As the dark sky pulling down this mystical evening features the temple fell gently into the night. Shaded by the faces carved high on the walls, hundreds of flickering candles danced in the dusty light. A romantic indeed.
Java Kuda Lumping dance by David Metcalf
Blitar is a quiet little town. It is the birthplace of the first president of Indonesia, Sukarno President (101-1970). You can visit his childhood home, his tomb and Sukarno museum, which has an interesting function and draws a crowd.
At the entrance of the museum, a beautifully framed portrait of Sukarno is exposed. This is roped off, and if you stand on the side of the rope and see the table in this way, the painting throbs at the heart of President. There are no project or air-blowing wind on the painting, and it seems that his heart beats on.
In Rambut Monte, a small town nearby, more mystical powers are involved. A beautiful blue-green lake surrounded by a forest is not only a place to picnic pleasant, but is also a mossy temple hidden to discover.
This ensures temple on the beautiful lake where a strange event occurs.
I saw with my own eyes, strange turbulence on the lake bed, but he does not seem to be anything the creation of the sand moving on the lake bottom.
is said to be the house of the God of fish and it is forbidden to swim in this lake; the locals believe that the spiritual fish live in the water.
Many people claim to have seen the fish gods or magical fish with bones of the skeleton and translucent body swimming in the lake. Rambut means hair, and it is said in legend that natural serene beauty of the lake and surrounding trees resemble wispy hair growth of the gods who reside here.
Next on the discovery trail, halfway between Blitar and Malang, you'll find 1 November e century Ganesha statue. This beautifully preserved statue is carved in standing position, with views of the thick jungle and a river gorge raging in the village of Karangkates. The unusual thing about this relic is that it is one of the few standing Ganesha statues in Java. Most statues of Ganesha assume the sitting pose and nobody seems to know why it is standing.
From fish gods temple romantic dining, Blitar reveals many treasures and can easily be done in a weekend. Why not go somewhere new and experience the beauty of this Javanese city less known and mystique surrounds
Country: Indonesia
province East Java
population 131968 (2010)
Getting there: daily flights are available to Malang Garuda Indonesia, Citilinks, Sriwijaya Air and Wings. Continue driving for 81.5 km in Blitar
Housing :. Tugu Sri Lestari, Blitar, East Java. www.tuguhotels.com/blitar
Local guide and historian Hery Kurniawan. harinathjii@hotmail.com. +62 (0) 81223314594.
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