Two Wheel Travel: Lampung, South Sumatra

2:21 PM
Two Wheel Travel: Lampung, South Sumatra -

Choice destinations for the weekend cycling in West Java are often impassable because of access difficulties. Lido, for example, is a very nice recreation area with a beautiful lake, riding trails, paragliding and a resort hotel. However, the only way to get there is long "The Path to Death ', aka Jalan Raya Sukabumi , from the end of the Jagorawi Toll Road. There are many other paths for hot cyclists in western Java, but getting there is a challenge.

Puncak once a nice weekend retreat today is unspeakable six-hour drive to smoggy, stuck -up Cipanas. It's actually more like a mountainside parking, as the weekend will trap you in your vehicle boasting a long view of the tea plantations.

the same goes for the west coast . when you get to Anyer, Carita or Labuan, quite interesting biking areas, while enthusiasm is beaten out of you.

So where to go? My suggestion is enthusiastic Lampung province, the southern tip of Sumatra, but with a key qualification: you must first battle your way West Jakarta, Tangerang through, Balaraja, Serang and Cilegon, Merak industrial and survive a fairly uncomfortable. three hours ferry ride across the Sunda Strait to the port of Bakauheni

once you land in Sumatra, however, the world seems to open up: it is a vast landscape with fierce brute natural size - the less compared to West Java overcrowded.

What I normally do is to rent a small van to transport bikes and riders on the toll road bumpy Kebun Jeruk Terminal Merak Ferry. I can usually pounding drivers to Rp.400,000 for the trip.

Assemble the bicycle or motorbike on the ferry, for a few thousand rupees, and your uncle Bob. The two and a half hour journey across the Sunda Strait is picturesque and uneventful, unless you're enough to be trapped at the end Bahuga Jaya unfortunate, seen here through , as some the sleeping captain ran him in a tanker from an early morning last year and she sank like a stone at the bottom, reducing the population of seven unhappy passengers.

You should know that the Sunda Strait ferries are a favorite of pickpockets and other bands of thieves, who break in and search any vehicle, unless someone stays inside on the watch . Seriously. Keep an eye on your car or bike for the duration of the journey

There are good cycling routes abound in the province of Lampung once you escape the very -. Traveled Bakauheni - road artery Medan. Installed upstream of the terminal through smoke and heavy truck traffic is only for the ultra-hardcore. Better to start your cycling journey in Bandar Lampung, the pleasantly green capital of the province, an hour's drive from the ferry terminal. You can usually rent transport, with patience and haggling

Bandar Lampung worth halt for a night, after considerable struggle to escape the West Java pollution. we used the hotel Hartono, a place of two small stars with a magnificent view of the bay, and a tribe of monkeys that swarm the balcony, asking for food guests.

In Lampung, West on good roads with little traffic, Kota Agung. The cycling journey I describe as a rough quadrangle, combining riding and transportation. Map it out on Google Earth with the four points Bandar Lampung - Kota Agung - Krui -. Kotabumi, and back

Bicycling Bandar Lampung to Kota Agung is fairly flat, but a challenge in hot weather. I normally take the bikes on a local bus :. The driver of the piles just above assorted luggage of other passengers, for an additional Rp.150,000

During this trip to Kota Agung I had a Dahon matrix, a full size folding bike that was perfect for mixed riding and loading the luggage compartment.

Kota Agung is a fishing port on the wide Teluk Semangka (Watermelon Bay) surrounded by the peninsula of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. Fishing boats come just after dawn with their catch, which is then auctioned on site. There are cheap seafood restaurants along the road; it is better to spend the night in nearby Gisting. energetic cyclists can climb to near Tanggamus Mountain.

From Kota Agung, it is the mountains to the west coast, another bike ride in difficult climb. Traffic is generally light; if you are tired there is always someone with a van that will take you a little further. Traveling through the National Park early in the morning, be surrounded by the shouts of troops siamang (gibbons) -. Their cries are easily moved five kilometers in the quiet of the forest

West Coast is large with sweeping sandy beaches as far as the eye can see. There is a bustling surf camp company in Krui, a fishing village on the coast. Expatriate long Zane Redman short Zandino Hotel, one of a number of economic (under Rp.0,000 / night, with meals) surf lodges. Caution is strongly recommended to Western Waters: while the local people are friendly and helpful, the roads are lightly traveled and reasonably safe, the ocean will kill you. There are strong undertow and you can get beaten along the coral reefs.

We go to Krui is in the direction of Liwa. It is a pleasant ride uphill, through the national park.

An hour north is Danau Ranau , a beautiful lake reminiscent disaster in mountainous areas in Austria. Lake Ranau is surrounded by mountains, with a symmetrical volcano west. Housing is poor - all but starless; as hardy cyclist, you can put up with a pathetic losmen ( "last resort" station) for one night. Hiring a boat across rough, windy black water of the lake is well worth the effort. Good roads riding too.

Then there was a long walk to the east, across the mountains of Bukit Kemuning to Kotabumi, where you catch the motorway axis occupied until Bakauheni. Better to ask the transport of bicycles and save the harp-game for later.

In short

Lampung, South Sumatra

capital Bandar Lampung

Region: 13.659 km2

population: 7,691,000 (2010)

Where to stay:

Hartono Lestari Hotel, Bandar Lampung. Jl.. Kesehatan 7, Bandar Lampung

Telephone: +62 721 262 525

Hotel Mutiara Alam Zandino, Jalan Pantai Harapan, Krui, Lampung

Phone.: . Zane Redman - 081514139201

What to do:

Cycle and surfing.

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