For a Walkable Jakarta
Imagine walking from your office or home to the nearest ATM or minimart on the streets of Jakarta; it is not only an unattractive image, it is also a heartbreaking disconcertingly. As you dodge a motorcycle on your right, you are faced with a bunch of smelly garbage truck or a street vendor on your left. In extreme cases, you might even brushing against another motorcycle on the left side. The sidewalks of Jakarta are a nuisance because it is - be so small compared to the massive amount of activities and people on them - despite its structural damages that are dangerous for even the most careful of pedestrians. Such a simple task to walk from one place to another should not bear a huge amount of risk and boredom.
Many do not realize, be long-time residents of Jakarta and used to his ways, but the sidewalks of the Big Durian are infrastructures that are no longer used the way it was supposed to when the construction of them started. What used to be a smooth area designed for pedestrian walk has been transformed into an inconvenient and dangerous bridge with unauthorized vehicles, street vendors and an ornament of potholes. Jakartans are slowly but surely becoming accepting sorry conditions of the sidewalks. Most of us lack the resources or determination to speak on the issue. Enter Safe Steps.
Safe Steps is a campaign by a group of people who are just as tired as some of us regarding the usability of sidewalks in Jakarta. They speak up on the issue and demand a tangible change. Safe Steps is the fruit of Count Me In, a voluntary initiative run by the Jakarta Globe. Launched recently, in March 2013, Safe Steps planned a yearlong campaign demanding an improvement on the streets of Jakarta and the overall life of pedestrians. The good people at Safe Steps believe this is a cause worth fighting because it is beneficial to all citizens layers. "It is a question that many people complain about, but never do anything," said Divya Pridhnani of Count Me In. "And one of the most important reasons is the lack of mass appeal. As a media company, we believe it is beneficial to start a public outcry with our great resources and reach. "Other initiatives have paved the way to triumph on this issue, as Koalisi Pejalan Khaki (the Coalition of pedestrians) who also started the movement Carfree Day in Jakarta, are now associated with safe steps.
to what is good and life healthy pedestrians, the rules are very clear. The settlement of the city on Article 275-1 09 UU No.22 stipulates that violators of the functionality of pedestrian facilities are subject to a fine of Rp.250,000. The following clause continues to discuss a huge fine should Rp.50million public property, such as sidewalks, be damaged and unfit for purpose.
The serious conditions of the sidewalks are the result of many factors, namely non -Regulations horse vehicles on the structure of natural causes such as rain or maintenance issues, etc. Accessibility Some sidewalks are also disturbed by dirt piles, usually next to a hole passes as part of road works in progress. As a result of this damage, the curb accidents, and deaths are increasingly a problem - give local reading newspapers and see the number of reported incidents. Such a simple and universal structure, when treated badly and not repaired, are grounds for a lawsuit or worse, accidental loss.
In the conquest of the question, Safe Steps came up with some ideas that are both realistic and impactful if necessary. Starting with damage control, renovation and patching up the sidewalks could be just what the doctors ordered. The repair would not only reduce the risk of pedestrians falling on potholes or jumping over gaping pits, but also improve the quality of life - the citizens of Jakarta walked over to get places. This scenario is a two-birds-with-one stone as more people willing to walk leads to less number of vehicles in the streets. If given the opportunity to walk safely and comfortably on the streets of our city, there could be a significant decrease in the use of cars, ojeks or taxis; at least for short trips. We could be making the first steps on better traffic conditions - and less pollution - by performing a makeover on broken sidewalks. This is a Safe Steps call made to city officials.
A petition was launched by Safe Steps to join the Governor Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, Deputy Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and Mayor of South Jakarta on the issue. Their demand is for city officials to fix and transform the pavements in the streets of Kemang for the better. Kemang is an excellent example of an animated busy street that reflects the productivity of Jakarta; smooth new sidewalks will benefit pedestrians in the area. It will be a representation of what could be if the whole city is undertaking a massive renovation project to its sidewalks.
Many streets even more important to Jakarta simply do not have this problem because they are not even equipped with sidewalks! Maybe one was never built, or an existing one is more visible because of changes allowed / not allowed (ie the road widening, making the aisles that eliminate adjacent sidewalks in total, etc. .). Therefore, Safe Steps stressed that the construction of new sidewalks is something interesting to delve into. At present, there are a total of 00 kilometers along the sidewalks around Jakarta. This covers too little of the length of 70 kilometers of streets of Jakarta total
To produce an effective and productive sidewalk renovation and construction of new structures are not the only company to undertake. the cooperation of the population is also a key ingredient. If the fine is to be executed, many think twice before using their bikes on the sidewalks or the size of the structure with the carts of the vendors. Sidewalks were and always will be for pedestrians.
"The Streets of Senayan, Senayan Plaza and around Senayan City shopping malls are fine representations of a well designed street with large sidewalks. There is a visible way and people can walk comfortably there, "Divya said.
Safe Steps invites citizens of Jakarta to create enough 'roar' inspiring initiation of new petitions for other areas. Their renovation curb demand in the Kemang area is a Kickstart movement but hope that snowball effect will start. Safe Steps organize various events throughout the year, such as a sidewalk fashion show (25 May) during the car-free day on Thamrin, a live petition signing the same day, making documentaries and videos on the fate of the sidewalks and many more.
Jakarta is a city with huge potential which could become more feasible than walkability increases. Safe Steps implore you to keep a sense of entitlement on the sidewalks of the street; they are ours, and keeping it tidy will only benefit us. Join Safe Steps to express their outrage, to take the necessary measures to a walkable Jakarta
To sign the petition, go to :.
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