Eastern Indonesia is a kingdom of a million wonders. A region rich in scenic landscapes, biodiversity and ancestral traditions, much of eastern Indonesia remains relatively pure by modern forces. Yet at the same time, this raises the other side of reality: infrastructure, education and literacy remain major challenges,
Nila Tanzil - photo by Wahyudi Tan
These challenges drew the heart of 37-year-old Nila Tanzil. She fell in love with the beauty of eastern Indonesia during his post as communications consultant for a joint venture to protect the Komodo National Park. At the time, Nila often traveled in the villages around Flores and spent time with local children, whose extracurricular activities were playing mainly at the beach or collect firewood.
Today Nila opened 26 libraries all over eastern Indonesia. Some of these natural waterfronts magnificent libraries prospects, and are housed in colonial historical buildings, local ritual houses and village art workshops. These libraries, called Taman Pelangi Bacaan ( "Rainbow Reading Gardens") became a sanctuary of literacy for children aged 6-12, who come to read with enthusiasm.
But it was not always like that. In 09, when Nila came to Flores, she learned that literacy among schoolchildren was surprisingly low. Nusatenggara Timur happens to be the province with the highest rate of illiteracy, the lowest scores on national exams, and the enormous challenges in infrastructure and the education system.
"Children learn to spell, because they were in first grade, but many remain illiterate well into the third year," said Nila. "A college professor told me about an illiterate student. I thought, how a college student could even take the exam for primary school without being literate? It turned out that the student had attended by any teacher during the exam, which whisper answers to him. "
Nila knew she had to do something for the children of eastern Indonesia. Understanding that education is the key to this change, Nila decided to go for a need that has long remained unmet: literacy. "Books are windows to the world," Nila said. "I want them like literacy and fall in love with books. But how are they to fall in love with books if the books are not there yet? Many Indonesians East are struggling to put food on the table, even to make books available. "
After launching the idea in November 09, the first Taman Pelangi Bacaan open to Rowe, Manggarai Barat. In addition to Flores and other islands in the Komodo National Park , libraries are now found in remote villages in Lombok, Sumbawa, Timor, Bandanaira and South Sulawesi. These libraries are run by volunteers mainly composed of local teachers.
"It is called Pelangi because this project involves many ethnicities, races and colors, like a rainbow. Put them together and you end up with something beautiful, united in a mission to nurture literacy among Indonesian children in Eastern and light it, "added Nila.
Nila with children at the opening of Taman Pelangi Bacaan Messah island of Nusa Tenggara Timur
Nila said that the first step to get children to read books is to get close them. with schools are often far from villages, it is important to make it fun for them. for that children feel like they are doing more homework for school, Taman Pelangi Bacaan is stocked with fun illustrated books.
"I fell in love with books to read Donald duck and Bobo magazine," said Nila. "at least, even if the children can not not read, they take a book brightcoloured as Tintin or Asterix and Obelix. They turn the pages, curious with the story behind the pictures, and it would motivate them to read. "
" If children already like to read, they read anything, "said Nila. One day a father came to Nila, telling him that his son received 0% of its review of the science. the son has not learned the class answers, but an encyclopedia illustrated in Taman Pelangi Bacaan .
another day, the teachers said Nila the children of the compositions in the Indonesian improve examination because now their plots are clearer and vocabulary increases. Nila calls these new "small victories", recalling that most native languages of these children are not Indonesian and that their crops are mainly based on oral tradition.
when Nila first met the children and asked them what they aspire to be when they grow up, their answers were invariably "teaching" or "pastoral" . the only other occupations grew these children knew and fishing. But now, literacy has captured the imagination of children, helped to identify other business needs in their communities and encourage them to dream professions that are different from those of their parents. Other aspirations now heard of these children understand become engineers, architects, business owners, and writers.
Nila also remembers a time when children in the Komodo National Park could only dream of traveling to Labuan Bajo west Flores. "Not even in Bali," said Nila, who often shares her children photo trips abroad. "But now they dream of visiting faraway places like Thailand, Cambodia, Japan and the UK."
Nila believes that nourish literacy among children is a project of influence for a lifetime. "I hope that one day these children will receive scholarships, leave the village to go to college, become successful professionals out there, make their community proud, and return to develop their hometowns."
The children at one of the libraries Taman Pelangi Bacaan
Although Taman Pelangi Bacaan is intended to be an agent of change and progress in eastern Indonesia, Nila also aims to make it a place where local traditions continue to thrive. Taman Pelangi Bacaan holds storytelling programs where volunteers would read illustrated versions of local ancestral folklore or show them with origami. Some libraries also offer dance and traditional music lessons.
In order to move more than 20,000 books from 11 islands Taman Pelangi Bacaan is working with airlines and ship owners to rotate the collection between every six months libraries. Some locals even help carry books inside their trucks, cars and motorcycles.
"I am grateful to all the volunteers in eastern Indonesia and Jakarta, as well as those who have donated books. They are real people service, fighting in the forefront of Taman Bacaan Pelangi , "said Nila.
After running libraries as a personal project in his spare time, Nila recently decided to commit full time Taman Bacaan Pelangi . in addition , Nila wrote a book about his travels in Eastern Indonesia and its trip to paint the colors of literacy among children of the nation.
for more information on Taman Pelangi Bacaan, literacy in eastern Indonesia, volunteer or donate, visit www.tamanbacaanpelangi.com.
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