Gambling, such as prostitution and corruption, is a secular vice part of the culture of Indonesia. Despite being criminalized in the 1970s, the game industry is flourishing, thanks to the protection against corrupt politicians, military officers and police who receive a share of profits.
Good Rp.1,000 purchase lottery tickets on the black market, Balinese bet with passion on cockfighting, magnates staking thousands of dollars on a rotation of the roulette wheel, the game calls for a wide range of Indonesian, but most are wise enough not to waste their money on illegal gambling.
Opponents of the game argue that this can cause financial ruin, divorce and moral decay. Proponents claim that the government could earn at least $ 1 billion a year to finance public infrastructure if the game was regulated and taxed. Neighboring Singapore should earn $ 6.4 billion from its two casinos this year, putting it on par with Las Vegas.
119. Kaarspellers: A photograph taken by John Demmeni showing the game in Central Java (circa 1911) - courtesy of Bartele Gallery
The first Java gaming forms predate the arrival of the Dutch, Islam and Chinese. Both animals or insects that could be put together to fight were fair game for paris. Cockfighting remains popular and is semi-legal in Bali, provided that it takes place in religious ceremonies, such as roosters are considered sacrifices whose blood will purify the earth. Part of the money wagered on these occasions is traditional village councils.
A Java bloodiest of paris performances involved between a buffalo against a tiger. Buffaloes are generally docile and Javanese tiger disappeared today tended to be shy of larger animals, so animals should be in the mood for fighting. This was achieved by the anointing of the buffalo flank with a paste of nettles and chili, while the tiger would be goaded with fire and boiling water. Buffaloes were generally victorious in these fights, which took place in bamboo pens, but any triumph tiger would then speared to death. In colonial times, this bias was said to be because the buffalo symbolizes the Javanese, while the tiger represents the Europeans.
Another early game centered on boat races and kite fighting, kite latter involving dropping a midair opponent. Also popular was betting on which the nut could crush the nut of an opponent. Another simple game was to bet on the number of seeds held in the hands of two or more people.
Chinese migrants, who first arrived there about 700 years, introduced new types of games, especially cards and game coins. The game was popular at weddings and public events, but with the rise of Islam in the 1500s, he was then banned by some sultans and rajas, although other leaders risked entire fortunes, palaces and women on gambling.
Under Dutch rule, various forms of gambling were allowed because they provided the colonial administration with considerable income. The term Dutch lottery was taxed at 21%, with 20% going to government and 1% to the poor. contract workers were often held under contract because of their addiction to gambling and opium. When the British took much of the Dutch East Indies from 1811 to 1816 over the game was banned by the new governor, Thomas Stamford Raffles, although it has to establish a lottery to fund a road on the north coast of Java . Some British residents of Batavia founded a horse racing club, which, though interrupted after a few years racing clubs inspired in large parts of Java. The re-legalized the Dutch game during their return to power in India, but they eventually ban cockfighting in 1926 after an investigation of the negative impacts of the game.
After Indonesia gained independence, the central government in 1957 allowed provincial governments to regulate the game
life in Bali - Cockfighter: a Cockfighter Bali by WG Hofker - courtesy of Bartele Gallery
their local sales, but many were reluctant to do because of criticism from Muslim leaders. It was not until 1967 that the game was legalized in Jakarta Governor Ali Sadikin by. The industry has been tightly controlled in order to ensure money flowed into municipal coffers and that people do not become poor game addicts. The licenses were awarded by tender to build three casinos: Petak Sembilan on 13 e floor of the Sarinah building Copacabana Hotel Horison in Ancol, and Recreation Center New International in the former Jakarta Theatre complex. game centers with slot machines have also been approved in several areas. Greyhound racing was introduced at Senayan Stadium. Horse racing began Pulo Mas, East Jakarta, with eight races are held every Sunday. The course has been funded with approximately $ 5 million from Australian investors who also sent on horses and jockeys for the first races. The horses were retained in quarantine for a week, so at the first meeting, several Australian jockeys had contracted a venereal disease and endured a painful day of racing.
Sadikin established two lottery systems, which were also introduced in other provinces and apparently used to raise funds for sporting events. Within a decade, the Jakarta development budget has increased tenfold, allowing the governor to build schools, health clinics, roads and markets. mounting criticism from Muslim leaders urged the government in 1973 to issue a ministerial decree prohibiting public gaming practices. In 1974, a more severe law was issued, revoked all gambling license, but Jakarta casinos continued to operate, being technically open to foreigners. After Sadikin fell out of favor with President Suharto, in 1981 the government issued a regulation prohibiting all forms of gambling in the country.
The legal game reappeared in December 1985 with a football pool called Porkas, set up to raise funds for sports development. In response to protests from Muslims Porkas was renamed twice in efforts to sound more respectable, but he was fired in 1989 amid concerns that the villagers were wasting their savings. The lottery was later reincarnated as the Social Fund Donation Price (SDSB), which was banned in 1993 following an increase in the number of Muslims in the national parliament.
The game bans did not specify an end to the Pulo Mas racetrack. The Sports Association of Indonesian horses continues to organize days of racing, one of the most recent being the Jakarta-Kapolri Cup Derby, held in association with the National Police. As for casino operators, many of them simply basement, forming what became known as the untouchable network Nine Dragons, which now has a new generation of leaders, operating approximately 44 gambling sites in Jakarta alone. Several other major cities have clandestine gaming centers, some with large casinos, others simply with rows of slot machines, known locally as "Mickey Mouse" machine because many have the Disney icon or other cartoon characters such as Bugs Bunny.
a side effect of the closure of three licensed casinos Jakarta was the opening of an Australian island casino Christmas at the end of 1993. Funded mainly by Indonesians and Australians, the casino was only one hour flight Jakarta on Merpati Airlines the Suharto family. After a good start, the casino was hit by the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, his license was suspended by the Australian government and has never reopened.
Many proposals of control, legalized gambling have failed over the last decade, ostensibly because of the opposition Islamic groups, although there may be a reluctance from those who currently control and to protect the industry lost one of their profits. Sources say that tributes were also paid to youth and civic organizations to ensure they never complain.
Under the law, players face a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment or a fine of up to Rp.25 million. Law enforcers tend to ignore the big fish and instead prey on smaller offenders. The former president Gus Dur in 00 ordered the arrest of the most famous kingpin game, but the country's police and prosecutors refused to act, saying there was insufficient evidence. Police in 09 showed their courage by stopping 10 shoeshine boys, aged between 8 and 15, to place Rp.1,000 paris in a coin-toss game in a parking lot at the Soekarno-Hatta airport. The children were sent to court and convicted. In Aceh, which has a long tradition of horse racing, people took the game for small amounts of money are regularly arrested and flogged in public. Not far away, on the resort island of Batam, which has long catered to Singaporeans seeking sex and gambling, proposals to legalize casinos and play areas were rejected. On the other side of the archipelago, Papua, police this year shot a seller of illegal lottery tickets allegedly because he did not share its profits.
In 2010, a vegetable seller in Jakarta, imprisoned for Rp .58,000 paris in a card game, joined forces with a Chinese man to file an unsuccessful judicial review against the law 1974 banning the game. They argued that state law should not be used to apply the Islamic prohibition of the game, adding that Paris was part of their culture and that non-Muslims should not be victimized.
Some of the most obvious forms of gambling today include arisan - a renewable private lottery, where everybody eventually wins, and late-night motorcycle drag racing, in which young people use relatively empty streets as racetracks for their memory, moth-like life. The golf courses are another common place for gambling. Websites offering the game draw for many bettors. Also popular is the game of football, with many local bookmakers to make paris on national and international games. The government plans to classify the game on sport as a form of corruption, which would mean stiffer penalties for offenders. For the poor who dream of buying a motorcycle or a house by winning a lottery on the black market, the game could become more risky; while the highest rollers and their hosts have little to fear with the remaining deck stacked in their favor.
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