Take a Spin in Kal-Tim

7:51 PM
Take a Spin in Kal-Tim -

Cycling adventures through kampung, rainforest and sandy beaches with ( 'Biwa') cycling group of the International Association of Women Balikpapan.

In 1974, the Terracotta Warriors were found in Xi'an, China, American author Stephen King published his first novel, Carrie and in the city of Balikpapan, Indonesia, a group of transplanted spouses of Huffco Petroleum Corporation formed an organization to better serve their East Kalimantan adopted ( 'Kal -Tim') community.

10 years later, the club of women Huffco expanded its members and became the club VICO women. Another decade later, in 1994, this group of ladies altruistic became the Association of Women Expat Balikpapan, but, realizing that nickname was a bit exclusive and somewhat against the spirit of intent, the organization changed its name to the international Association of women Balikpapan (BIWA) in 1998.

Regardless of when BIWA officially became Biwa, one thing has remained constant: the level of community engagement facilitates BIWA. The alignment of long term BIWA Balikpapan supported projects include three orphanages, a school needs promotion, a home for the elderly, bi-annual Community Dental days and various other businesses meeting unmet needs. In addition, BIWA is where the ladies from all walks of life can enjoy a sense of community and receive valuable information about life in Balikpapan.

BBB-River-Crossing-2-585x585 Today this association, made up of 15 council members work hard and about 100 local and international women from 28 countries, bustles with activity. From the teaching of English to orphans or socialize with older people, attend local art classes, bowling leagues, book clubs and tee times-off, BIWA has all the answers. The annual membership fee back in the heart and soul of the organization: orphanages, schools and institutions with special needs that depend on the support onBIWA

All this is fine - fantastic even - but in my book ,. I confess prey to the charms of BIWA for another reason altogether: cycling. Specifically, mixing urban cycling and off-road bike this informal group of BIWA, Balikpapan Biking Babes (BBB) ​​has to offer. This may seem trivial, but first listen to me - it will not take long - because the bike inBalikpapancan be described in three short words:

So. A lot. Fun.

And while it is true thatBalikpapanis a cycling paradise that remains largely unknown, making the group theBIWAcycling such a special experience is the interaction between the people who might otherwise never crossed paths. No matter where you are, what faith or politics that you respect, or even what language you speak. All you need to share the camaraderie is show with a mountain bike, a helmet and a sense of adventure.

What is it?

While BBB is often called a cycling club, technically it is not a club at all. There are no matching shirts, no exclusive parties; there is not even a membership fee. While BIWA fact help promote, organize and support the cycling group is open to everyone. Currently, the group rides are executed on a basis from week to week, with the predetermined destination a few days in advance via the e-mail or SMS group chain. The number of participants vary each week and, with few weeks to see as little as three cyclists while others have nine or more.

Each week, the bike path is different, but the trip takes about two hours. Because rides often start several remote locations outside of the city proper, most participants arrive at the point of meeting vehicle, and then their driver picking up at the end. For those who wish to join but do not have transportation, carpooling is often possible when arranged in advance.

How does it work?

Cycling in Kalimantan Every Wednesday morning at 08:30, BBB encounter somewhere around Balikpapan for a walk of about two hours. From there, the prodigious local guide, Pak Yayan (which is a champion cyclist in Indonesia, by the way, regularly winning first place in the national cycling competitions for his age group), led the group through all kinds of terrain and circumstances we would never otherwise put together in a logical sequence of thought. For example, BBB could start indescribable dirt parking lot just outside a housing complex, and less than an hour, cyclists will have passed through shady bamboo forest trails, paved roads past views of the sea and long rickety bridges covering for counters on mangrove. Take last week for example, when the race started at an old ferry terminal offSamarinda Road, and 30 minutes later, a short pause followed within a tofu factory where an extremely hospitable employee provided a demonstration improvised tofu-making process!

all that comes next is almost always an unexpected pleasure, and throughout the experiment, cyclists are greeted with joyous greetings of "Hello, sir," high five and laughing vertigo children. While this is undeniably fun, add that it is also much work.Balikpapanis a hilly town, so even with 15 minutes of Tofu-round break, climbing the hills provides an incredible workout, whatever the road or the speed of travel.

and for those who are reluctant to take because of their level of personal jurisdiction, fret no more. Cyclists of all levels participate, from beginners on up, and if all else fails, get off and push his bike up the hill is always an option. Better yet, Pak Yayan is great miracle solution to on-the-spot equipment must go through - a fact comforting when his flat tire in the middle of the forest

In summary, the cyclist group BIWA is all! discover the amazing wonders of Balikpapan, explore the villages and fish farms, plantations and jungle tapioca tanks. It is about climbing that hill you never thought you'd be able to go up and meet the friendliest people on the planet who do not seem to mind one jot a troop of women sweaty happen to be cycling in the aisle narrow concrete that more or less serves as their porch. He is trying a new sentence as Bahasa make friends, stopping for photos and learning of soft shell crab farms or how arak , if required. The cycling group BIWA is many things - exercise included -. But perhaps the best thing about BBB is that it is not about how good you are on a bike

How to join the fun?

Just let someone in the group know that you would come, or if this is not an option, simply contact BIWA to the email address below. It should also be noted that BBB is not exclusive to women; it happens to work in this way that most spouses / partners Balikpapanon dependent visas are women, but men are certainly welcome to come too.

What to do?

cycling in Balikpapan is hot and hilly, so a mountain bike or at least a hybrid is required for the types of rides BBB fact. In addition to the bike, bring a helmet, gloves, sunglasses, cell phone, some cash, at least one liter of water (water is generally easy to buy in kiosks should we need more), sports shoes and cycling clothing. For pants, padded cycling shorts / pants or tights work best. Also, be sure to carry a heavy sunscreen. Last but not least, do not forget your camera, as photographed along the way is half the fun

So who is in

Contact :? Info @ b-iwa .com or visit www.b-iwa.com

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